I am very aware these days of life and lives around us moving on. Our days pass but we remain in the same place. I feel very disconnected from the real world. That's just an observation, not a complaint.
The words don't come today for some reason, but I had to try.
Another couple of observations:
- I can't deal with stress anymore
- I'm still angry, although not at my boy
- I will never have the opportunity to deal with a lot of my anger
- I like my grey hair
- I should not be working where I am working because I no longer believe in the system
Time to go dig in the dirt.
Digging in the dirt is such a basic thing - I think it does the soul good to touch base with Mother Earth.
And I love that out of that list of negatives you had one positive thing - your hair. I love grey hair and will be quite happy when mine turns grey (if it doesn't fall out first!!!).
Feel your feelings even if they are ugly. Then try to let them go. Digging in the dirt is a good way.
Hi Sayre.
Got a bunch of herbs planted...so now can buy more. I have wearing gardening gloves....I have farmer hands ;-) I feel better after being out in the soil. You're right...it's the connection with what IS real in this world..Mother Earth.
Well if your hair DOES fall our then when it comes back in it will all be natural...and natural hairs greys (gray?) so easily.
I needed to vent today...thanks for your support. I must start following the blogs again. Sending you hugs. xx
My hair loss is not chemo-related. I don't have cancer. I have been online friends with Michelle forever though, which is why I'm over there so much!
In my family, you either get the great hair or the thin hair. Guess which one I got. YEars of perming weakened it apparently because it's getting pretty thin now. My son wants me to get a wig because "seeing your scalp under your hair is weird, Mom." My brother Jerry has the best hair ever... why did HE get those genes and not ME?????
I admit to being a failure as a gardener, but that doesn't stop me from trying. Every year I try it again. I think I'm getting closer though. Maybe NEXT year I'll get to eat something I grew...
You two are so cute.
I love reading the banter between you back and forth.
I just bought my own gardening gloves by the way...I may start using them this week. Never really thought of myself as a gardener, but like you guys say ' it does the soul good' to touch base with Mother Earth.
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